O autoru / About the author

Pavle Hegeduš je rođen 1949. godine u Osijeku. Na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti, Odsjek grafike, diplomirao je u Zagrebu u klasi profesora Ante Kuduza 1978. godine.
Pored slikarstva i grafike intenzivno se bavi vizualnim komunikacijama – grafičkim i web-dizajnom, te refleksijama s područja teorije oblikovanja. Član je HDLU-a i ULUPUH-a. Atelijer: Osijek, Š. Petefija 41. Tel: 031/302-279
E-mail: pavle.hegedus@gmail.com

Pavle Hegeduš was born in 1949 in Osijek, Croatia. In the year 1978 he graduated from the Department of Graphic Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, in the class of Professor Ante Kuduz.
Along with painting and graphic art, he is intensively engaged in visual communications – graphic and webdesign, and reflections from the field of art theory. Member of HDLU and ULUPUH. Atelier: Croatia, Osijek, Š. Petefija 41. Phone: +385 31/302-279
E-mail: pavle.hegedus@gmail.com

Pavle Hegeduš. Autoportret sa trskom; ulje na platnu, 30 x 30 cm, 2012.,
Pavle Hegeduš. Self-portrait with reed; oil on canvas, 30 x 30 cm, 2012

Na kraju, mislim da je zaključak vrlo jasan, kako i sam naslov izložbe tumači «slika poslije slike», Hegeduš je sebi i nama vrlo jasno i precizno razložio siže svog životnog slikarskog ideala, znak je početak i kraj slike (slika prati oblik i značenje znaka).
Vlastimir Kusik; Slika poslije slike; katalog izložbe: Galerija likovnih umjetnosti Osijek, rujan – listopda 2005.

In the end, I think that the conclusion is very clear, same as the title of the exhibition itself interprets “image after image”, Hegeduš has both to us and to himself expounded the subject-matter of his life’s painting ideal, the logo is the beginning and the end of the painting (the painting follows the form and the meaning of the logo).
Vlastimir Kusik; Image after image; catalogue of the exhibition: The Fine Art Gallery Osijek, September – October, 2005

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